
FIFA 16 Review at fifa-coins.com: Defence - To Anyone Not Violence

FIFA 16 Review: Defence - To Anyone Not Violence
Dec. 11, 2015 13:01:44 GTM+8 If the "defensive tactics" (TD defense) was started in FIFA 12, then the result of this defensive system is fully reflected in FIFA 16. In the past, FIFA series, TD why did not buy fifa 16 coins "mad flow" defense of key constraints, it is that it does not itself than traditional defense (hereinafter referred to as LD mode) better results, even seriously affect usability.

TD is not so much to provide a new method of defense, as it is to redefine the concept of defensive football game, it will defend from the previous system to fight for the evolution of individual combat. Ping-pong in the past work flow, chug flow (using horse Rampage) play under the flood of reality, TD is actually even with more FIFA 16 coins also with live, grab, not posted on situation. After FIFA 16 pass system to be greatly improved, FIFA 16 has been improved usability.

The objective of this work is legit fifa coins shop no longer one defensive possession away from the other foot, but give players a solid whole line of defense to create opportunities in the AI with, effectively limit the ball's in space at the same time, anticipation and shutout next offensive line, break the other's offensive contact. What is the ball, dignitaries, to the line, or to position these points seems only "really understand the ball," the people who can make the right judgments, unlike in the past works, as long as the ball on it.

In restricted "Mad Dog defensive" measures, EA Sports also conducted significant changes: the physical system is criticized, finally been improved in the making. If the player is still using a mad dog defense were flying over the court style of high closing down, then the player will be a serious decline in physical complement to keep cheap FIFA coins, followed by technical movements, the greater the possibility of failure, after 20 AI fifa coins online players minute is prone to defensive eyes.

In addition, as a serious weakening of the initiative steals functional block keys, the front of the foot all be over, but the use of the penalty area to the other is almost give away a penalty. It

fut 16 coins is more like a tactical foul of the function keys, such as in the case of two players fight speed, click performed by pulling squeeze, if it can not stop the other party, then simply direct more than a few down. If you do not know how to put pressure on, it can only be a waste of cheap FIFA 16 coins followed the trajectory of the ball on the floor exhausted.

